Aquinas College 
High School Alumni
Pictures from the summer of 1965
557 Mount Vernon Avenue in the  summer of 1965
The older building, viewed from the east side parking area
The south side of the older building
The courtyard, within the older building, viewed from the cafeteria
The basement of the older building, where the drafting class was located 
The cafeteria level of the older building
The denuded altar in the chapel, where the knees took a beating at the Easter retreat 
The hallway from the cafeteria to the chemistry class  & lab
The west side stairs going to typing class and the jug, among others
The view from   the baseball field toward the newer building
The west entrance of the newer building
The north side of the newer building
The east side stairwell, where some cigarette butts might be found
The south side of the newer building
Showers and lockers on the left, biology & physics on the right
Only the best and up-to-date locker room
First floor--basketball court and classrooms
The denuded library
Steve Holt (August '65) finds slim pickin's in the priests' lounge
View of the basketball court from the balcony
Third floor--all classrooms
Very fine detailed model of the older buildings by Don Schlegel (August '65)--presumed to be lost to the ravages of time